Knoxville Photos

(Knoxville, Tennessee - TN, USA)

Photo Gallery 1

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View of the Tennessee Amphitheater, a popular open-air theater hosting many major concerts and outdoor city events.

Entrance to the University of Tennessee.

Ayers Hall on Circle Drive, at the University of Tennessee, built in 1921 measuring around 43 meters / 140 feet.

Close-up picture of Ayers Hall and the colorful architecture.

Grand red-brick Courthouse, featuring neo Georgian-style architecture.

Clingmans Dome, the highest point of the nearby Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Henley Street Bridge, a grand stone-arched bridge dating back to 1932.

Close-up view of Henley Street Bridge, named after Colonel David Henley, a local pioneer and war hero.

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Gallery 4