Indianapolis World Guides - Your Comments and Reviews

(Indianapolis, Indiana - IN, USA)

User Reviews and Comments

The following comments about attractions in Indianapolis have been posted from individuals. We believe that the best reviews of Indianapolis, Indiana (IN), IN USA are written by travelers and holiday makers who have experienced Indianapolis first hand and want to share their thoughts. Can you share yours? Please help us expand this section of our Indianapolis World Guide.

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Indianapolis and the City Market (Monument Circle)
The City Market is one the eastern side of the Monument Circle and is quite old. It was enjoyable wandering around the stalls and looking at all of the fresh produce. There sure was a lot of nice looking things to eat here and we certainly did our best. It is located at 222 East Market Street and if you like gourmet food, or just good honest food, come here - and just follow your nose.
Posted on 19/9/2007 by Poppy Freter

Please note that these Indianapolis, Indiana (IN), IN USA comments and reviews are posted by individuals and are not necessarily the views of World Guides.