Attractions Nearby Shenyang, Day Trips and Excursions

(Shenyang, Liaoning, China)

Picture of the Dalian cityscapeAttractions outside of Shenyang are varied and of interest, with the main sights being located within the surrounding cities and towns.

Of particular interest are the coastal attractions at Dalian, where you will find everything from beaches and parks, to aquariums and shopping centres.

Other attractions lie within both Dandong and Anshan, two important cities with attractive natural scenery and appealing views.

Photo of Dalian's Labour Park


The city of Dalian has long been a major tourist destination on the Liaodong Peninsula and is home to a population of almost two million. A particularly prosperous and wealthy part of China, Dalian contains a number of outstanding tourist attractions, many of which can be found around Friendship Square, People's Square and also Zhongshan Square. Some of the top attractions in Dalian include the Sun Asia Ocean World, the Polar Aquarium, Tiger Beach Park, Labour Park and a number of nearby beaches, which lie on the city's south-eastern outskirts.

Image of central Dandong


Dandong borders both the Liaoning Province and also North Korea, and stands to the north-east. It main attractions are based around its superb views, which stretch across the scenic Yalu River and beyond. Close to Dandong, it is possible to visit the most easterly part of the Great Wall of China, while the riverfront setting of Yalujiang Park offers plenty of popular photo opportunities. Pleasure cruises and speed boats provide a great way to sightsee the many attractions sited along the North Korean coastline.

View of temple in Anshan


Anshan is a large city with a population approaching four million, situated just over 85 km / 53 miles to the south of Shenyang. One of the most unusual claims to fame in the city is the enormous and much visited Anshan Jade Buddha, while other attractions include a number of natural hot springs and bathing houses.