Hamilton World Guides - Your Comments and Reviews

(Hamilton, Bermuda)

Hamilton Marina photo, showing the multitude of expensive yachts

User Reviews and Comments

The following comments about attractions in Hamilton have been posted from individuals. We believe that the best reviews of Hamilton, Bermuda are written by travellers and holiday makers who have experienced Hamilton first hand and want to share their thoughts. Can you share yours? Please help us expand this section of our Hamilton World Guide.

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So unusual
I've never seen anything quite like Sea Glass Beach in Hamilton, Bermuda and not sure if I ever will. This is an unusual but amazing attraction and of course sea glass fans will lap it up. Without doubt the best beach we went on over the course of our Caribbean cruise.
Posted on 24/1/2012 by Simon Lyes

Fort Hamilton was my favourite attraction in Hamilton and I recommend it whether you wish to visit the military museum it plays host to or want to enjoy the finest views of the city and its bustling harbour. Well maintained, especially considering that it has been around since the 1870s.
Posted on 16/2/2011 by Lee Blythe

Re. Excellent and easy to get to
Did you try the Hamilton City Hall and Arts Centre? You said that you liked art, so maybe you did. It is also free of charge and, as the name suggests, there is more than just an art museum here with a government centre and theatre under the same roof too.
Posted on 18/2/2010 by D Draper

Excellent and easy to get to
I'm an art lover but feel that even those without an interest in the hobby will still enjoy Bermuda's National Gallery. The works of Winslow Homer, Jack Bush, and Georgia O'Keefe are all on show here. Entry is completely free of charge and the attraction is easy to get to as it is right in the centre of Bermuda.
Posted on 26/4/2009 by Matthew Parkes

Small but good
I headed to Bermuda Library for its history, given that it has been around since the early 17th century. There is one book there by Captain John Smith that has been around since 1624! There's also an old post office in Hamilton if you are interested in such things.
Posted on 14/4/2008 by R Wainthrop