Toledo World Guides - Your Comments and Reviews
(Toledo, Spain)
User Reviews and Comments
The following comments about attractions in Toledo have been posted from individuals. We believe that the best reviews of Toledo, Spain are written by travellers and holiday makers who have experienced Toledo first hand and want to share their thoughts. Can you share yours? Please help us expand this section of our Toledo World Guide.
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Toledo Town Hall
The Town Hall is a major building on the Plaza del Consistorio and is close to the cathedral. It dates back more than 400 years and beneath the hall is a good tourist office, where you are able to get lots of leaflets and maps and things like that. This is a good place to meet up, being that it is central and easy to find.
Posted on 16/10/2007 by Anon
Medieval Puerta de Bisagra Gate
If you are driving into Toledo from Mardid, or from that direction anyway, the Puerta de Bisagra is likely to be the first of the gateways of the City Walls that you will counter, so do keep your eyes peeled. There is a nearby public plaza and other related attractions. This is actually the only Moorish gateway remaining in the walls and is located on the northern side of the old city. It is in the Mudejar style and very large. A handy tourist information centre is close by.
Posted on 23/8/2007 by Mia Awole
Grand and yet elegant - the very cool Cathedral de Toledo
The Cathedral of Saint Mary of Toledo is a big 13th century Gothic cathedral and one of only three of this age, size and style in Spain. There are a number of different tombs inside of the Castillian kings. Construction started in 1227 and was greatly influenced by the French Gothic architecture of that time. There is a lovely treasury with some rather valuable jewels inside. The tower is known for its epic bell, which is called 'La Gorda'. The entrance stands on a large and somewhat irregular square, where the Archbishop's Palace and Town Hall are also located.
Posted on 9/1/2007 by Joe Nommalo
Please note that these Toledo, Spain comments and reviews are posted by individuals and are not necessarily the views of World Guides.