Warsaw Museums

(Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland)

Photo of the Rising Museum (Powstania Warszawskiego)There are so many different museums in Warsaw that it is likely that you will only have the chance to visit a small percentage, so it is worth planning ahead and choosing those which most appeal to your tastes. Warsaw's museums cover a wide range of different topics, including themes such as archaeology, emigration, ethnography, industry, pharmaceutical arts, sport and transport. There is even a museum for measurement, where many interesting instruments from the past can be viewed, including a rather special 150-year-old solar-powered watch.

A number of Poland's most famous residents are celebrated at Warsaw's museums, with the life of pianist and composer Frédéric Chopin remembered at the centrally located Chopin Museum on the Ulica Okolnik. The Nobel Prize winning Marie Sklodowska Curie is also the subject of a noteworthy museum and her pioneering works in the field of radiation and x-rays are clearly documented at the Curie Museum on Ulica Freta. For children, the Museum of Evolution and Institute of Paleobiology at the Palace of Culture is a must and the dinosaur skeletons are always a big hit, together with the collection of rare and exotic creatures, and the recreation of various Triassic landscapes.

Antonina Lesniewska Museum of Pharmacy

Address: 31 Ulica Piwna, Warsaw, PL-00265, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 831 7179

Picture of the city's Chopin Museum

Chopin Museum

Address: Ulica Okolnik 1, Warsaw, PL-00368, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 826 5935

Ethnographic Museum (Muzeum Etnograficzne)

Address: 1 Ulica Kredytowa, Warsaw, PL-00-056, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 827 7641

Historical Museum of Warsaw

Address: 28 Rynek Starego Miasta, Warsaw, PL-00272, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 635 1625

Independence Museum

Address: Al Solidarnosci 62, Warsaw, PL-01-532, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 826 9091

Maria Sklodowska Curie Museum

Address: Ulica Freta 16, Warsaw, PL-00227, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 831 8092

Museum of Asia and the Pacific

Address: 24 Ulica Solec, Warsaw, PL-00403, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 629 6724

Museum of Caricature

Address: 11 Ulica Kozia, Warsaw, PL-00234, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 827 8895

Museum of Evolution and Institute of Paleobiology

Address: 1 Plac Defilad, Warsaw, PL-00110, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 656 6637

Museum of Fire Fighting

Address: Ulica Chlodna 3, Warsaw, PL-00891, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 620 9827

Museum of History of the Polish Peasant Movement

Address: Al Wilanowska 204, Warsaw, PL-02765, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 843 3876

Museum of Industry

Address: 51/53 Ulica Zelazna, Warsaw, PL-00841, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 620 4792

Muzeum Literatury (Museum of Literature)

Address: 20 Old Market Square, Rynek Starego Miasta, PL-00272, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 831 4061

Museum of Measurement

Address: Ulica Elektoralna 2, Warsaw, PL-00139, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 581 9531

Museum of Motor Vehicles

Address: Otrebusy, Ulica Warszawska 21, Warsaw, PL-02495, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 758 5067

Museum of Sport and Tourism

Address: Ulica Wawelska 5, Warsaw, PL-02034, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 560 3780

Museum of Technology

Address: Plac Defilad 1, Warsaw, PL-00110, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 656 6747

Museum of the Warsaw Archdiocese

Address: Ulica Solec 61, Warsaw, PL-00424, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 621 3414

National Museum (Muzeum Narodowe)

Address: Jerozolimskie 3, Warsaw, PL-00495, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 629 3093

Paderewski and Polish Emigration in America Museum

Address: 9 Szwolezerów Street, Lazienki Park, Warsaw, PL-22100, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 622 6434

Poster Museum

Address: 10-16 Saint Kostki Potockiego Street, Warsaw, PL-02958, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 842 4848

View of the Polish Military Museum (Muzeum Wojska Polskiego)

Polish Military Museum (Muzeum Wojska Polskiego)

Address: Ulica Aleje Jerozolimskie 3, Warsaw, PL-00495, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 629 5271

State Archaeological Museum

Address: Ulica Dluga 52, Warsaw, PL-00241, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 831 3221

Theatrical Museum

Address: Plac Teatralny 1, Warsaw, PL-00077, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 692 0756

Warsaw Gasworks Museum

Address: Ulica Kasprzaka 25, Warsaw, PL-01224, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 632 6732

Warsaw Rising Museum (Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego)

Address: Ulica Grzybowska 79, Warsaw, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 539 7905

Warsaw University Museum

Address: Ulica Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26-28, Warsaw, Poland, PL
Tel: +48 022 554 0025