Solo Tourist Attractions and Sightseeing
(Solo, Central Java, Indonesia)
There are plenty of tourist attractions suitable for families holidaying in Solo. Many tourists visiting Solo find that the best way to get to know the city's attractions and the surrounding area a little better is to join a guided tour.
If you are here with children, then the Sriwedari Amusement Park is certainly one attraction not to be missed, with its exciting funfair rides and entertainment. Tourists in Solo will also enjoy spending an afternoon at the Jurug Zoo (Taru Jurug Animal Park), where you can ride camels and see all of the usual favourites, such as big cats and monkeys.
Guided Tours
Various agents around the city provide guided tours, which can usually be booked through your hotels. Some of the most popular tours on offer include excursions to both the resort of Tawangmangu, and to the Candi Sukuh, a stunning 15th-century Javanese-Hindu temple. There are also day trips and trekking / hiking tours to the Mount Lawu (Gunung Lawu) and Mount Merapi (Gunung Merapi) mountains.
Open hours: daily
Admission: charge
Sriwedari Amusement Park
Address: Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Solo, Indonesia, ID
There really are many reasons why the Sriwedari Amusement Park stands out as a leading attraction in Solo. Those holidaying here with children will no doubt enjoy the fun fairground rides, bumper cars, sideshow stalls, playground and zoological gardens, complete with exotic animals. If you are hungry, then there are lots of food stalls to choose between, selling inexpensive Indonesian fare and more Western-style snacks. However, it is the onsite theatre with its nightly cultural shows, traditional shadow puppetry (wayang kulit) and 'wayang orang' (people theatre) performances that have become the main draw card here. Of interest, the Sriwedari Park was originally created to serve as a resort for the royal family.
Open hours: Monday to Friday - 17:00 to 22:00, Saturday - 17:00 to 23:00
Admission: charge
Meditation Courses
The city of Solo has long been known as a centre for traditional meditation and offers a variety of related courses. Although these meditation courses are not as plentiful as they once were, there are still a number to choose from. The best place to find out about the choice and availability is to head on down to the Surakarta Tourist Office, which is to be found on the Jalan Slamet Riyadi and is open Monday to Saturday, between 08:00 to 16:00.
Open hours: daily
Admission: charge
Jurug Zoo (Taru Jurug Animal Park / Taman Satwa Taru Jurug - TSTJ)
Whilst it is fair to say that Taru Jurug Animal Park will never be an award-winning zoo, this is a pleasant enough attraction for families. Many exotic creatures are housed here and their facilities are beginning to noticeably improve, with further enrichment in the form of play toys being added to their often small enclosures. Highlights include orangutans, monkeys, lions, tigers, leopards, alligators, pelicans, and brightly coloured birds, such as parrots, peacocks and toucans. Camel rides are especially popular and at busy times, queues quickly form for these. Solo Zoo is part of the Heritage City Park and is well known in the city, being easy to find.
Open hours: daily - seasonal variations
Admission: charge, discounts for children