Varanasi Shopping and Districts
(Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India)

When it comes to shopping, Varanasi is known for a number of things, although it is without question most famous for its beautiful silk. All around the city of Varanasi, silk is for sale and comes in various different guides, including colourful saris and brocades, but almost everywhere these items are pricey and aimed at the lucrative tourist market, so try your hand at haggling, and watch out for the silk salesmen, even in the biggest of emporiums.
The shopping scene in Varanasi does offer plenty of others good apart from silks, but you will find it hard to get away from the silk shops, which seems to be everywhere. Some of the best silks on offer are to be found within the small shops named 'Ganga Silk', which resides on the Sivala Road. Alternatively, do check out the Mehrotra Silk Factory, which is located close to the Brahma Ghat, outside of central Varanasi, and is well-signposted.

Where to Shop
Also within the city centre are shops selling everything from musical instruments and brass ornaments, to textiles, perfumes, freshly ground spices and stylish Bhadohi carpets.
Therefore, do be sure that you leave plenty of room in your suitcase to bring something memorable back with you.