Cartago World Guides - Your Comments and Reviews

(Cartago, Costa Rica)

User Reviews and Comments

The following comments about attractions in Cartago have been posted from individuals. We believe that the best reviews of Cartago, Costa Rica are written by travellers and holiday makers who have experienced Cartago first hand and want to share their thoughts. Can you share yours? Please help us expand this section of our Cartago World Guide.

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Re. Unforgettable Basilica
Happy that you enjoyed our special place! For your kind information, the pilgrimage is in August every year! Thanks you.
Posted on 1/11/2011 by Oswaldo Alvarez

Unforgettable Basilica
It didn't take long for me to work out that the Our Lady of the Angels Basilica church is of great importance to Costa Ricans and I was later told that the country's patron saint apparently appeared on the premises in 1635. Pretty busy but definitely worth it. I know it sounds mad, but I really wouldn't mind being here when the annual pilgrimage, whenever that is, is in full flight.
Posted on 24/10/2011 by Pat Simmons

Worth the short drive
When we heard that the Guayabo National Park and Monument was a short drive away from our hotel, we decided to stop relying on taxis for an afternoon and rented our own vehicle. I was blown away by this attraction and just the national park alone is worth the drive even before you get to the monument. Recommenced to all!
Posted on 25/5/2010 by Peter Fleming

National park and this in the same day!
We were lucky for visit Guayabo National Park and Monument and the CATIE - the Centre for Tropical Agricultural Research and Education - on same day. Not really exciting or something like that, but great for nature lover while they go on lovely walk.
Posted on 11/11/2009 by C Camino

Magnificent waterfall
I'm well aware that nature and wildlife are meant to be the main draws of Savegre Reserve, but I must say that I enjoyed gazing at the waterfall they had there above all other things. You can see why Costa Ricans are so proud of it!
Posted on 16/12/2008 by W Zenga